Tinker Bell was the Top Producing Norwegian Elkhound Bitch in 2016


Tinker was awarded Select Bitch at the 2012 Norwegian Elkhound Association of America National Specialty in San Diego, CA in May 2012 under Norwegian Breeder Judge:  Mr. Rolf Frostad

Tinker WB & BOW from the Bred-By-Exhibitor Class at 6 months of age for her First Points  at the Houston KC Shows on 7-22-2005 under Judge Drs. Donnelle Richards.  She was Best in Sweeps that day too under Judge Mrs. Murrel Purkhiser

Tinker's Parents

Tinker and Libby just before Veterans Sweeps at the 2012 NEAA National.


1-10-2005 to 8-13-2015

A Charming Furry Fairy--A Breeders dream.  So correct.  Short backed, short flat coat, a lovely feminine head, a tight center curled tail, dark eyes and such a personality.  She left us unexpectedly and left a big hole in our home and in our hearts.

​Proudly Co-Bred and Co-Owned with River Wind by:

  • ​Joe and Marie Peterson  Windy Cove Norwegian Elkhounds

AKC#:  HP13474501

DOB: 01-10-2005

​OFA Hips:  NE-3241F24F-PI    Fair

OFA Elbows:  NE-ELO89F24-PI    Normal

OFA Heart:  NE-CA16/17/C-PI    Normal

​CERF Eyes:  NE-871/2006--15    Normal

Tinker going WB & BOS at the AKC/Eukanuba National Championship in June 2007 under Judge Jon R. Cole.

Puppy Angel taking over the lounge chair from Tinker.

as featured in the Dogs in Review Publication, July 2016, Pages 124-125

Tinker in blue bonnets,

Tinker at 9 weeks and while learning to lead.

CH Windy Cove Dasher's Tinker Bell

Tinker At Home

Tinker finishing her Championship being awarded WB & BOW under Judge Mr. Nancy A. Byrd at the NECGH 7-20-2006 Specialty.  Her litter brother Windy Cove Dasher's Bell Ringer was WD that same day.


​CH Windy Cove Kash's Airybelle

Tinker with Sarah and Panda

Tinker's Invitation to AKC/Eukanuba  

National Championship Show

Tinker's Eligibility to Enter Crufts Letter


Eng./Irish/Am. ​CH Carolon Simply Dashing


  • Tinker was BOS in Sweeps to her littermate Windy Cove Dasher's Bell Ringer at the Norwegian Elkhound Club of Greater Houston July 2005 Specialty.
  • Tinker was awarded BOS in Sweeps by Judge Jane Anderson at the October 2005 Norwegian Elkhound Association of Minnesota's Specialty Shows.
  • ​Tinker was awarded WB and BOS for her First Major from the Bred By Class under Judge Col. Joe B. Purkhiser at Nolan River KC on 1-8-2006.
  • ​Tinker was WB for a Major under Dr. Eric Liebes on 6-11-2006 at the Colorado Spring KC.
  • ​Tinker finished her Championship going WB & BOS for a Major under Judge Mrs. Nancy Bird at the NECGH Specialty Show.
  • ​Tinker was Awarded an AKC Medallion for earning her Championship from the Bred By Exhibitor Class with an invitation to compete in the AKC/Eukanuba National Championship show in 2006 and 2007.
  • ​Tinker was WB all four days at the Oklahoma City Summer Classic 6-29-2006 through 7-2-2006 under Judges:  Mr. Michael Forte, Mrs. Anne Katona, Mrs. Gloria L. Geringer, and Mr. L.Richard L. Bauer. 
  • ​Tinker was awarded BOS at the AKC/Eukanuba National Championship show in 2007 from Judge Mr. Jon R. Cole which earned her an invitation to CRUFTS.
  • ​Tinker won the Senior Bitch (24 months+) at the April 13, 2007 NEAA Futurity.  Later that day at the Sacramento Sierra Norwegian Elkhound Club Specialty she was BOS under Judge Mr. Thomas P. Stanfield, Jr. from a total of 63 Elkhounds. 

Tinker's Show Career

TinkerBell is training a novice junior handler in the ring at the Fort Worth Kennel Club, March 2007.  Tinker was awarded Best of Breed with a  13 year old Sarah Smithers as the handler.  This was Sarah's first time to show a dog in the ring.  Tinker Bell & Sarah showed in the Junior Showmanship ring for the first time at this show too.

Tinker's AKC Championship Certificate

Tinker resting.

Tinker Growing Up