Hattie at 12 weeks

Hattie at 8 weeks

One of Hattie's Ads

Hattie at 8 weeks

Hattie's Parents

Hattie awarded her first point by Judge Mrs. Jeannette M. McGinnis at 15 months of age from the Bred By Class on 3-21-2009 at Fort Worth KC going WB and BOS.

Hattie and brother Cowboy hanging out.

Hattie going WB, BOW, BOS for a 5 point major at Houston KC 7-22-2011 under Judge Dr. Ronald Spritzer.  Presented by Terri Galle

Hattie won the prestigious Bred By Exhibitor Class at the 2012 NEAA National Specialty under Norwegian Breeder Judge Mr. Rolf Frostad.

Hattie at 8 weeks

Hattie at 4 weeks


​CH Windy Cove Country Road

Hattie at 6 months

Hattie at 8 weeks

Hattie's Show Career


​She is a breath-taking sight in motion.  She is so silver with a correct short coat.  She has a lovely feminine head with dark dark eyes.  She is such a love.   


Proudly Co-Bred with RiverWind By:

  • ​Joe and Marie Peterson  Windy Cove Norwegian Elkhounds
  • Sarah Smithers

​Hattie is at home in Oklahoma with Don Durkson and his family.

​AKC#  HP28273901

​DOB:  12-03-2007

OFA Elbows:  NE-EL131F41-PI

​CERF Eyes:  NE-984-2009-15  Clear

Hattie at 10 weeks

Hattie enjoying some flowers


  • ​1st Point at 15 months of age on 3-21-2009 at Fort Worth KC under Judge Mrs. Jeannette M. McGinnis.
  • ​WB, BOW, BOS fro a 5 Point Major at Houston KC on 7-22-2011 under Judge Dr. Ronald Spritzer
  • ​Won the prestigious Bred By Exhibitor Class at the 2012 NEAA National Specialty under Norwegian Breeder Judge Mr. Rolf Frostad and also at the NEASC Specialty that same week under Swedish Breeder Judge Mrs. Anna Fors Ward.
  • WB for a 3 Point Major at KC of Texarkana  on June 17, 2013 under Judge Mrs. Michele L. Billings.

Hattie At Home


​CH Windy Cove Dasher's Tinker Bell

CH RiverWind Windy Cove My Cowboy Hat

Hattie Growing Up

Hattie at 12 weeks

Hattie's Championship Certificate